Local Authority Funding
If an individual has been assessed as having eligible care needs, their local council may be able to provide funding to cover some or all of the costs of home care services.
NHS Continuing Healthcare
This is a package of care provided by the NHS for individuals who have ongoing healthcare needs, including home care services. is fully funded care, paid for by the NHS. If your needs are ‘primarily health related’ and are deemed to be complex, you may be eligible for this without undergoing any financial assessment. In most cases, you can elect to receive care services in your own home with a carer of your choice. See our article ‘How Much help can I get from the NHS?’
Attendance Allowance
This is s a tax-free, non-means-tested benefit for individulas 65 or over who have a physical or mental disability or long term illness that requires extra care. Different levels of support can be provided depending on whether care is required during the day or night or during both.
For the 2023/24 the rates for Attendance Allowance per week are:
Lower rate of £68.10 for those who need help during the day or night.
Higher rate of £101.75 for those who need a higher level of care.
To be eligible you must:
- Have reached state pension age
- Have a disability. This could be a physical or learning disability, or long-term physical or mental health condition that is considered a disability
- You need care or support with day-to-day living because of your disability
- You have needed that care for at least six months, or you are terminally ill.
More for advice call the Attendance Allowance helpline on 0800 731 0122
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
This is a non-means tested benefit for individuals aged 16 to 64 who have a disability or long-term illness that affects their ability to carry out daily living activities.
For the 2023/24 the rates for PIP are as follows:
Daily Living Component:
- Standard rate: £68.10 per week
- Enhanced rate: £101.75 per week
Mobility Component:
- Standard rate: £26.90 per week
- Enhanced rate: £71 per week
The amount of PIP an individual receives will depend on their individual circumstances and how their condition affects them. PIP is not means-tested, so it does not take into account a person’s income or savings.
To be eligible for PIP, an individual must be aged between 16 and 64 and have a health condition or disability that causes difficulties with daily living activities and/or mobility. The individual must also have had these difficulties for at least three months and expect them to continue for at least another nine months.
What is the Carer’s Allowance?
Carer’s Allowance is a means tested benefit that is paid to people who provide regular and substantial care to someone with a disability or health condition. The allowance is designed to provide financial support to people who spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone else.
For April 2023/24 , the Carer’s Allowance rate is £76.75 per week.
To be eligible for Carer’s Allowance, an individual must meet the following criteria:
- The individual must provide regular and substantial care to someone who receives certain disability benefits or has a health condition. The care recipient must also require care for at least 35 hours per week.
- The individual must be aged 16 or over.
- The individual’s income must be below £128 per week after tax, National Insurance, and certain expenses. Their capital must also be below £16,000.
You may also wish to apply for Pension Credit (if you are over pension age) or Universal Credit (if you are under Pension age).
There are also shorter-term arrangements that can be put in place for up to 6 weeks after leaving hospital. Reablement support can give you the skills and confidence to regain your independence back in your own home. Alternatively, Intermediate Care, with support from Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, Social workers and Community nurses can give recovery and rehabilitation support back in your own home.
Additional benefits that are available to older people include Winter Fuel Payment, free TV licences for over 75s, public transport reductions, Blue Badge and Shopmobility.
There are also grants available through charities or foundations. You usually need to have applied for all state benefits before applying. See links below.
There are several helpful websites that will help you identify benefits that you may be missing or costs that can be cut. Try Age UK’s Benefit’s calculator or consult your local Citizens Advice Bureau. One site that can be valuable in helping to find savings on daily costs is moneysavingexpert.com. For self-funders, you may also find it helpful to get financial and/or legal advice. See our articles ‘Wills, Powers of Attorney and Financial Planning’
Further information
Benefits & Allowances
NHS Continuing Healthcare
Additional Benefits for Older people
Additional Advice on Benefits